
Why the Edge is Different

Edge and far edge environments are quite different from a hyperscale cloud or centralized datacenter in terms of environment, architecture, and operations.

Hyperscale/Traditional Datacenter InfrastructureEdge/Far Edge Infrastructure
• Robust physical security
• Stable and plentiful power and cooling
• Ample and diverse WAN connectivity
• Use homogenous rackmount servers with
spares to swap out when needed
• Low priority on cost
• Centralized control plan to manage/operate
the nodes
• Managed by team[s] of experienced IT
• 3 to 5-year refresh cycle
• Data can be easily and inexpensively moved to
different platforms within the DC
• Dynamic environment
• High complexity and high touch
• Remote locations with lower physical security
• Limited power/harsh environments
• Limited WAN connectivity [or not at all]
• Variety of heterogeneous hardware – different
manufacturers, configs, etc.
• High priority on cost-appropriateness
• Distributed operation means that the control
plane must be decentralized
• Autonomously managed and adaptive to
changes without human intervention
• 5 to 10-year refresh cycle
• Data gravity – most data will live its entire life at the edge
• Relatively static
• Simplicity is the key

Running workloads at the edge requires different economics, architecture, and philosophy versus cloud or core. Unlike technologies that were designed for core or cloud, NodeWeaver was designed for the unique distributed computing requirements of the edge – instead of dealing with a few very large clusters, the edge requires many small clusters, which is a fundamentally different architecture.

The number and fidelity of edge devices (cameras, sensors, etc.) is increasing at a much faster pace than available internet bandwidth to edge sites can support. The data sets being generated are too large to send to the core/cloud, and must be analyzed locally. Over the next 5 years, analysts predict more data will be generated at the edge than in the core/cloud combined.

As distributed compute becomes critical for operations, these platforms must be deployed, managed, maintained, and secured on a mass scale. NodeWeaver’s key capabilities address the unique requirements and provide the foundational operating platform for this distributed computing layer.